OpinionTech and Gadgets

In today’s world of technology everything is secure and at the same time nothing is secure at all

In today’s world of technology everything is secure and at the same time nothing is secure at all. How secure is your phone, where is it helpful to you and where not? Today while using a smartphone the user needs to be smarter. You are in such a vulnerable state where your data could be compromised just by clicking a link that would be sent to you.

For example


when you are chatting with a friend in WhatsApp about a phone like you want to buy a new phone, what about buying a samsung phone or you want to buy a phone with a bigger display screen. Here the common word is “phone”. What WhatsApp will then do is filter your data and sell them and so, later on when you browse anything on the internet, you start seeing many phone advertisements. What you will feel is I was in a way thinking to buy a new phone so let me click the links and check out the details of the phones. In the same manner, data from all the social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, etc. can be compromised.

Cookies and Sessions plays the main role in the case of data storage. The browser stores a cookie where your confidential (almost the main data) gets stored and so whenever you visit the website the next time, it doesn’t ask for login and gets login by itself. Thus, if anyone can get your browser cookies, he can easily login your account without even knowing your user id and password. He can even access your banking sites. Thus, to avoid this and make your browser more secure you should use VPN and Incognito tab. Incognito does not store any of your data.


In an Android phone whenever you install an app, it asks for your permission and many a time without giving a second thought we allow just press the allow button.

By doing this you at putting yourself in a vulnerable spot because when you allow permission to access your photos and contacts the app can access your photos from all over the world at any point of time. In the same way your contact details can also get stolen and sold in the market. There are many apps in google playstore which are made for this sole purpose. To avoid this.

  • Whenever you install a new app  and the time it asks for the permissions, do think twice before allowing. For example while installing a news channel’s application, there is no need for allowing the app to access your photos. That is access should be either allowed or denied based on the type of the app.
  • Location privacy should be set accordingly. Not all apps require to know your location, so you can deny them the access.
  • If possible you can use paid VPN as it keeps your data secured.
  • Protect your mobile phone by setting software to update automatically.
  • Avoid phishing scams.


Phishing attack is common in today’s world of computer hacking. Phishing can clone another website and can easily trap you.
For example:
Whenever we see a link in our Facebook, Twitter or Instagram, we open it. Nowadays, we see shorten link in our social media, where it becomes difficult to know the actual website and its security and thus we tend to compromise our data.
Indication of site security can be known from the browser where the link can be seen.

Whenever you see a lockicon along with the link, the site can be said as secured and where we see “NOT SECURE” or red colour along with the icon than the site is unsecured. While opening a site, say, Facebook see if the link shown is https://www.facebook.com or not. If something else is written and Facebook page is seen and your user id and password is asked, then you should directly avoid it. Same should be followed in case of other websites like Twitter, Instagram or internet banking.
And yes, not to forget such messages can be sent to you by your friend either through emails or directly to your phone.



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